Corporate Yoga
Jacksonville, FL
Currently, Jacob teaches several weekly classes at some of the top companies in Jacksonville, FL. Classes are designed intentionally to fulfill the needs of thriving businesses. Associates often express their gratitude towards the organization for offering such an experience during their workday. They explain how the practice makes them feel not just physically, but energetically and emotionally. This well being can contribute to increased productivity, happiness and overall work satisfaction. Movement practice and stretching are a crucial aspect of overall well being.
When corporations chose to incorporate yoga practice into their workday; this is a strong investment into it’s people that pays dividends. To learn more about corporate yoga and how this may look at your organization please reach out to admin@jacobwermanyoga.com
Private Instruction
One on one guidance from an experienced teacher can provide invaluable insight. When I first started yoga I hoped to one day become more flexible, stronger and increase my balance. What the yoga practice allowed me to achieve is so much more. The perceived benefits when we first begin our yoga practice are perhaps superficial and focus around purely physical achievements. Over time not only does our body open up but really it’s our mind and our ability to understand emotions that change.
Perspectives can change over time. Yoga allows us to shift our perspective from one of exclusion to expansive inclusivity. We realize that everything is connected and we are just a part of the larger whole. We discover the connections that are already there, the peace that is already within us and the happiness that we can radiate. Yoga teaches us that consistent effort is what leads to long term results. When we eliminate our attachment to results; we find meaning. We realize that our mind is stronger than our bodies. If you are looking for a deeper connection to your practice and yourself please reach out for a one hour session including a complimentary 30 minute consultation.